Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

peanuts pie

  1. 250gr of peanuts roasted peeled and finely crushed
  2. 250gr in sifted powdered sugar
  3. 375gr Flour
  4. 11/2 Cup cooking oil
  5. 1 red eggs shake
  6. 60gr of peanuts roasted peeled and roughly chopped
How make
  1. Mixed in a bowl of peanuts that have been crushed,powdereed sugar and flour together
  2. Make a hole in the middle of the flour pour oil into it little by little,stie well so that the dough can be rolled
  3. Take the dough a little round up of marbles,again until the dough runs out
  4. Store the dough circles on the baking sheet that has been smeared slightly to somewhat flat spread with red eggs that have been in the shake
  5. Sprinkle chopped nut on top
  6. Bake in oven that has been heated for 30 minutes until golden yellow cake
  7. Serve in a tight jar

To 100 pieces

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